Monday, July 14, 2008

WTF? Public Security? : 'Musang-and Albar''s Brain

I was one of the thousands who had to endure massive traffic jams this morning on my way to work. I do understand that public security is of utmost importance, but I am wondering about the effectiveness of such roadblocks that had been set up all across the city outskirts.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar explained that the police operation is in the interest of public security. The roadblocks are manned by a handful of police officers who just wave everyone by. Blocking two lanes out of four along the Sprint Highway, manned by bored looking police officers does not conjure up an image of a massive police operation in the interest of 'public security'. Such roadblocks had created chaos that affected thousands of people heading to work this morning. Imagine how much it had affected businesses when people cannot even go to work on time.

Resources should be put more effectively into intelligence reports rather than reacting on rumours and hearsay, thus prompting a knee-jerk reaction to a perceived 'threat' to public security. Setting up roadblocks during rush hour is simply ineffective and serves no other purpose but to frustrate everyone and create chaos in the roads.

I don't know about you but looking at the picture below, with that one bored looking cop staring into space, do you think all this is done in the interest of public security? Yougottabeflippinkiddingme.

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